Respect them and you will always be safe! In this blog I speak very often about computer security , since for me it is a fundamental aspect. Over time, during my experience as an entrepreneur, I have often found some common shortcomings from my customers: those who used poor passwords, those who did not update the antivirus, etc. etc. Therefore, because I want to help you protect your company, I decided to give my, very personal , 10 golden rules of IT security: follow them and you can work safe! Let's not waste any more time and let's see them immediately! The 10 golden rules of cyber security Come on, let's get started! 1. Beware of public Wi-Fi connections It is true, it does not really concern companies, but you will surely have happened to connect to a wifi network of some hotel, restaurant, camping, etc. which on your smartphone was registered as "public" . The risk of these networks is that anyone can connect and the...
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